This past Saturday and Sunday 10/21 & 22/06 we cleared the dam of trees and brush so that the engineering firm; Civil
Dynamics can come in and start their plans. It was a big job and thanks to the effort of many volunteers it was accomplished
in just two short days. We cleared the whole length of 500' and a depth of 15' back. We took out numerous trees, both large
and small and cleared a massive amount of brush and vines.
Thanks goes out to the following volunteers: James Luedtke, Adam Canning, Guy Groschel, Mike Slepakoff, Mark (from Maple
Ave),Chris Carlson, Rich DeLorenzo, Sean McDonough, Craig & Dawn Morris, Mike Peek, Bill & Alice & Billy Kennedy,
Dave & Teri Daniello, Dave Brett, Lewie Mengersen, Karen Ferlauto, Kevin & Shirley Jobes.
With a special thanks to Eva, Joyce & Karen Ferlauto for sharing their home and cooking up the delicious lunches both
days. Thanks also to Tammy Peek for her BBQ skills on Sunday and those great brownies.
Tammy and logan Peek stopped by to see the work. |
We had some Quads dragging the larger debris. |